Flowers & Plants for Beautiful Toledo Area Homes
During season, our garden center and nursery greenhouses are filled with healthy, quality annual plants & flowers. Annual flowers mean these flowers are planted every year (annually) and usually die back after a good old Toledo Ohio frost. Brrr...
We have a beautiful selection of all types of annual plants, including your favorites. Our flowers, vines and plants are wonderful for placing in your perennial garden planting beds. Annual flowers fill in the space nicely with bright bursts of colors, usually all growing season long.
Ask our plant experts what flowers will grow best for your front and backyard landscape areas including plants for shady areas, plants that can take full sun, etc. You can buy annual plants several different ways, including by the plant or usually by the planting flat.
Perennial Plants & Flowers

Perennial flowers bloom every year during its individual growing season. These plants not only add beauty, but value to your home. Our hardy perennial plants are zoned for the Toledo Ohio / northwest Ohio area and grow well with little effort yearly on your part.
Visit our garden center mid April through early June (while supplies last) for...
All plants and flowers are subject to availability. Our inventory changes daily late April through June. Come in early in season.